Information Technology

While computers arrived at the FCNQ toward the end of the 1980s, it was only in 1997 that the network as we know it today was deployed, with the introduction of workstations to the member services counter and electric cash registers replacing point-of-sale computers.

Then in 1998 came the replacement of the FCNQ's systems of terminals with modern workstations like those we have today.

The wide-ranging needs of departments each with their own issues is a major IT challenge.

The team constantly has to use its creativity to propose solutions that address the imponderables of each department.

Managing hotel properties, billing for cable services, wholesale purchasing, distribution, retail sales, managing the oil storage depot, adventure tourism, a travel agency, banking services and of course financial management… everyone relies on information technology for their duties.

Day in and day out, the IT team supports a machine population of over 300 workstations in close to 50 different locations.

More important than the machines are the people behind them, because they are the ones who have to get the job done, meet deadlines and ensure the food supply, and that is the real challenge for the IT Department. They grasp each work environment quickly and propose solutions that suit every sphere of activity, putting machines at the service of users and ultimately at the service of members.