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angle-left La Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec honore Heng Kun à l’occasion de sa retraite
La Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (Ilagiisaq-FCNQ) Honours General Manager Heng Kun Upon His Retirement
Montreal, 11 Apr 2016

La Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (Ilagiisaq-FCNQ) Honours General Manager Heng Kun Upon His Retirement

The FCNQ-Ilagiisaq bids adieu to one of its most faithful servants. Heng Kun, General Manager and friend to the Inuit of Nunavik, retired from the Fédération on April 11, 2016.

Born in Skuon, Cambodia in 1949, Heng Kun was able to escape his war-torn country and reach Montréal as a refugee, in January 1980. He soon enrolled at the Université de Montréal's École des hautes études commerciales (HEC). By chance encounter, that summer Heng was hired by La Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec as an accounting clerk, a summer job. He made his first trip to Nunavik that year. It was a 5-week journey and his first encounter with the Inuit.

Heng was instrumental in coaching Nunavik's co-op managers in the essentials of sound accounting practices. He became FCNQ's Assistant Controller in 1987 and was named Controller in 1989. In 1995, Heng was a key player in obtaining direct funding from La Caisse d'économie solidaire Desjardins (CECOSOL) and from Investissement Québec for cooperative projects. Previously, cooperatives were considered risky and relied on consolidation loans.

Heng was also instrumental in FCNQ's negotiations for the management of petroleum distribution in three Nunavik communities. Petroleum-related activities represent an important source of income for FCNQ.

In 2005, Heng was made Assistant General Manager. He became General Manager in 2010. In 2015, Heng was awarded the Order of Merit by the Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM). With 35 years of service, Heng has dedicated more than half of his life to working for FCNQ and for the co-operatives of Nunavik. He is most proud of his efforts to successfully bring FCNQ and Nunavik's co-ops to financial stability.

"When I look back, I see we achieved many goals," Heng says. "I very much appreciate that the Inuit have confidence in me." While he has officially retired, Heng Kun will remain on as advisor to FCNQ's new General Manager, François Day.

François began working for FCNQ in 1992, as an accounting clerk. Shortly after, he became an accountant for the co-operatives. This gave him the opportunity to travel to the Nunavik communities. In 2000, he became the director of the Co-op Management Support and Accounting Services. He supports the co-operatives' executive directors in their managerial roles and assists them in their decision-making. Since 2007, he also analyzes the co-operatives' potential investments and seeks out the necessary funding to carry out these projects.

François helped develop the member co-operatives by preparing action plans and by getting projects going. He sat on the FCNQ's management committee since its creation in 2011. He also serves as president of the Nunavik co-op development fund, which the FCNQ founded in 2013. With 24 years of service so far, he is highly qualified to assume the role of General Manager at FCNQ.

The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors congratulate François Day on his new responsibilities.


Emanuel Lowi
Communications officer
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